High quality Deep-qhov Drilling Insert TPGX1403 Machining steel, stainless hlau Tungsten Carbide Drilling Inserts nrog PVD Txheej

Qhov chaw keeb kwm: Hunan, Suav
Txheej Txheem: Roughing, Semi-finish, tiav machining
Workpiece: Hlau, Stainless hlau, Aluminium
Txheej: PVD
1.High hardness 2.Zoo liab Hardness 3.Excellent coj kuj 4.Long Tool lub neej
Tiv tauj peb

Koj email chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Cov teb yuav tsum tau cim nrog *

piav qhia

Cov lus piav qhia ntxaws

Qhov chaw ntawm keeb kwmHunan, Suav teb

Kev sivqhov drilling

HomTungsten carbide insert

Hom txheej txheemRoughing, Semi-tiav, tiav machining

Customized kev them nyiaj yugOEM

WorkpieceHlau \ Stainless hlau \ Aluminium



Qauv kev pabcuamaccpet

Khoom sivTungsten carbide

Tsim kev caiaccpet


Ntim & Xa

Ntim Cov Lus Qhia: Lub thawv yas, thawv pob

Chaw nres nkoj: ZHUZHOU

Muaj peev xwm muab khoom

Muaj peev xwm muab khoom: 100000 Daim ib hlis

● High hardness

● Red hardness zoo

● Cov hnav tsis kam zoo heev

● Cov cuab yeej ntev lub neej

Txawm tias nyob rau ntawm qhov kub ntawm 500 ° C, nws tseem tsis tau hloov pauv, thiab tseem muaj qhov nyuaj siab ntawm 1000 ° C.

Nws tuaj yeem siv dav raws li cov cuab yeej txiav cov khoom siv, xws li tig, milling, drilling, grooving insert thiab lwm yam.

High quality Deep-hole Drilling Insert TPGX1403  Machining steel,stainless steel Tungsten Carbide Drilling Inserts with PVD Coating

High quality Deep-hole Drilling Insert TPGX1403  Machining steel,stainless steel Tungsten Carbide Drilling Inserts with PVD Coating

High quality Deep-hole Drilling Insert TPGX1403  Machining steel,stainless steel Tungsten Carbide Drilling Inserts with PVD Coating

Vim li cas thiaj xaiv peb:

1. Koj tuaj yeem tau txais cov khoom zoo meej raws li qhov koj xav tau ntawm tus nqi tsawg kawg nkaus.

2. Peb kuj muab Reworks, FOB, CFR, CIF, thiab qhov rooj rau qhov rooj tus nqi xa khoom. Peb xav kom koj ua deal rau shipping uas yuav zoo heev.

3. Cov ntaub ntawv uas peb muab yog muaj tseeb tiag, txoj cai los ntawm raw cov ntaub ntawv xeem daim ntawv pov thawj mus rau qhov kawg dimensional nqe lus.

4. e lav muab cov lus teb tsis pub dhau 24 teev (feem ntau hauv tib lub sijhawm)

5. Koj tuaj yeem tau txais cov khoom lag luam, cov khoom xa tuaj nrog lub sijhawm tsim khoom tsawg.

6. Peb muaj siab rau peb cov neeg muas zaub. Yog tias nws yuav tsis tuaj yeem ua tau raws li koj cov kev xav tau tom qab kuaj xyuas tag nrho cov kev xaiv, peb yuav tsis ntxias koj los ntawm kev cog lus tsis tseeb uas yuav tsim kev sib raug zoo rau cov neeg siv khoom.

800-12T308M-C-G tungsten carbide insert CNC tshuab dhos kev kub ceev machining superhard khoom tig Tool
800-12T308M-C-G tungsten carbide insert CNC tshuab dhos kev kub ceev machining superhard khoom tig Tool
1.High hardness 2.Zoo liab Hardness 3.Excellent coj kuj 4.Long Tool lub neej
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R420.37-07T3 Tungsten Carbide Milling insert CNC tej cuab yeej nrog PVD txheej
1.High hardness 2.Zoo liab Hardness 3.Excellent coj kuj 4.Long Tool lub neej
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Cement carbide CNC inserts 800-07A SANDVIK dav tig txiav hniav rau CNC tshuab dhos ua
1.High hardness 2.Zoo liab Hardness 3.Excellent coj kuj 4.Long Tool lub neej

Kev tshawb nrhiav khoom